
The Tees Valley Teaching School Hub was redesignated by the DfE in Summer of 2024, following on from our original designation in 2021. The Teaching School Hub delivers commitments set out in the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy. This strategy created a golden thread of high quality evidenced based support training and development available at all stages of a teacher’s career.

Our offer includes:

Initial Teacher Training – as a School Direct lead school and working in partnership with Durham University we have provided advice information, guidance, placements and training to support aspiring teachers across our area.

Early Career Framework – working in partnership with UCL, we have delivered live facilitated training sessions to over 450 Early Career Teachers as part of the new 2 Year Full Induction Programme and to over 250 mentors appointed to support these ECTS throughout the year

National Professional Qualifications – working in partnership with the School Led Network and more recently the new National Institute of Teaching, we have delivered the new suite of leadership and specialist national professional qualifications to over 200 existing and aspiring school leaders including

  • National Professional Qualification for Head Teachers 
  • National Professional Qualification Senior Leaders
  • National Professional Qualification Leading Behaviour and Culture
  • National Professional Qualification Leading Teacher Development
  • National Professional Qualification Leading Teachers
  • National Professional Qualification in Early Years Leadership
  • National Professional Qualification in Leading Literacy (available from Autumn term 2023) 

Appropriate Body Service – working to fulfil the statutory requirements of induction, we have worked with over 600 early career teachers and 250 schools.

Our Area

We primarily provide services in the Tees Valley area in the North East of England, but can also provide services to schools out of this area if they wish to join us.

Tees Valley Map