National Professional Qualifications

If you’re a teacher or leader, a National Professional Qualification can help you:

  • improve your skills
  • progress in your career
  • increase your confidence in your role

School’s also receive funding from the DfE for each teacher or leader that starts an NPQ course.

  • State-funded primary schools with 1 to 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £800 for each teacher or leader you employ who starts an NPQ in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.
  • State-funded primary schools with more than 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200 for each teacher or leader you employ who starts an NPQ in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.
  • State-funded secondary schools with 1 to 600 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200 for each teacher or leader you employ who starts an NPQ in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Many schools are now suggesting NPQs are desirable or essential characteristics when applying for new roles.

If you are a school leader, NPQs can support staff development in your school, particularly for those new to role such as new Heads of Departments, Subject Leads, Pastoral Leads or Mentors.

NPQs are currently fully funded by the Department for Education in England, so they’re free to take for most teachers and leaders.

Here at Tees Valley Teaching School we offer our NPQ Courses through two Lead Providers – Best Practice Network, and the National Institute of Teaching. Whilst both providers ultimately provide the same knowledge and information, each course will be delivered in a different way. Anyone interested in doing an NPQ course with Tees Valley TSH has the choice to decide which Lead Partner they can use that best fits their current commitments, working model and lifestyle.

Please find below the list of courses Tees Valley TSH currently offers, as well as links to the course details on the respective websites of the National Institute of Teaching and the Best Practice Network.

12-Month Courses

We offer 5 specialist NPQs, all lasting 12 months in length.

NPQLT Course

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network
NPQLL Course

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network
NPQLPM - Leading Primary Maths

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses

18-month Courses

We offer 3 leadership NPQs, all lasting 18 months in length.

NPQSL Course

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network
NPQH Course

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network

Course Providers

If applying for a course please ensure you select ‘Tees Valley Teaching School Hub‘ as your Delivery Partner.

National Institute of Teaching NPQ Courses
Best Practice Network


“I have enjoyed my NPQLTD immensely particularly the face to face sessions and the opportunity to share best practice with colleagues on return to my setting.  The real life examples of practice have been very useful and I have been able to incorporate much of the programme into my support for ITT trainees.”

Cohort 2 NPQLTD participant

“I now have a more rounded understanding of teaching development methods. I have successfully implemented these methods into my own practice. I know what it means to be an effective leader of teaching and how to get the best out of challenging situations.”

Cohort 1 NPQLTD participant

“I was acting headteacher for half a term during Spring 2. I was able to use what I had learned in the course to help me whilst completing this role. This course has helped me to realise that I would like to progress to Headship and given me tools and insights I have found extremely useful.”

Cohort 1 NPQH participant

“Both facilitators are knowledgeable, very engaging and experienced and it is great to have both primary and secondary headteachers to add context.”

Cohort 1 NPQSL participant

“I have found the course highly informative, interesting, engaging and highly professional and would recommend to any aspiring educational leader as it has measurably had an impact on my leadership role.”

Cohort 3 NPQLTD participant