A funded provider-led programme
Using a DfE-funded training provider has been designed to be the simplest option and the one we expect most schools to use. Training providers will design and deliver a comprehensive programme of face-to-face and online training. This support will be fully funded so there are no costs for schools. Lead providers will be inspected by Ofsted so schools can be assured that this training will remain high-quality.
State-funded schools can choose to work with one of 6 providers accredited by DfE. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘full induction programme’.
Providers include:
- Ambition Institute
- Best Practice Network (home of Outstanding Leaders Partnership)
- Capita with lead academic partner the University of Birmingham
- Education Development Trust
- Teach First
- UCL Institute of Education
DfE have chosen these providers by a fair and open procurement process. They will be subject to a quality assurance mechanism through Ofsted inspection to ensure the best support for schools and teachers.
Schools using a DfE-funded provider will not need to provide additional information to an appropriate body to demonstrate they have an ECF-based induction in place. However, they will still require an appropriate body for their early career teachers to ensure other aspects of induction meet statutory requirements.
Funding for this programme is in addition to the funding related to time off timetable for early career teachers and their mentors.
Provider-led programmes, available to state-funded schools only, are funded by DfE so there are no costs for schools.
Funding will cover:
- Time off timetable for early career teachers and mentors in the second year of induction paid directly to schools
- Training delivered directly to early career teachers by an external provider – providers will be paid directly so schools will not face any payment burdens
- Training delivered directly to mentors by an external provider – providers will be paid directly so schools will not face any payment burdens
- Additional funding to backfill mentor time spent undertaking training paid directly to schools