What Funding is Available?

All state-funded schools offering statutory induction will receive additional funding to deliver the ECF reforms.

The funding will cover:

  • 5% off timetable in the second year of induction for all early career teachers to undertake induction activities including training and mentoring
  • Mentors for early career teachers in the second year of induction – this is based on 20 hours of mentoring across the academic year
Funding (year 2)England (excluding the London Area)Inner London AreaOuter London Area Fringe Area
Rounded cost per Early Career Teacher£1,200£1,500£1,400£1,300
Rounded cost per mentor£900£1,100£1,000£900

Funding is calculated by taking the average salary of mentors and early career teachers, split by region, and uses the hourly rate to calculate a total funding figure.

Schools using a DfE-funded, provider-led programme (FIP) will also receive additional funding for mentor backfill for time off timetable for training, as follows:

Mentor’s unit cost (years 1 and 2 time off timetable for training)England (excluding the London area)Inner London areaOuter London areaFringe area
36h cost (2 years of training)£1576.10£1929.24£1737.14£1623.24