Following the UK Governments announcement on the 12th October 2021, there are some changes to the National Professional Qualifications and eligibility for scholarships to make you aware of.
All state funded schools and state funded organisations offering 16-19 places are now eligible to apply for free places
The NPQs have changed from this September and there are a new set of national providers, and a new suite of programmes.
The programmes available are listed below:
- Leading Teaching – for teachers who lead, or aspire to lead, teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase
- Leading Teacher Development – for teachers who lead, or aspire to lead, the development of other teachers in their school
- Leading Behaviour and Culture – for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school
- NPQSL and NPQH will continue to be available
- There will also be an additional non-assessed programme for new Head Teachers
Nine national providers have been chosen to lead these programmes. As a school, you are free to choose any of the National Providers.
The Tees Valley Teaching School Hub has partnered with the NETSP as part of the School-Led Network to deliver the NPQs. The application link to the NPQs can be found here for colleagues who wish to apply. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch